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Case Studies

Sean Hyland & Associates

Colin Clarke Construction
Small Builder with a background in electrical Contracting. Colin wished to expand into general contracting. and needed a consultant to help.
LetsGo Group
I met Michael in the BNI. He was a painting contractor but was looking to move away from this as it was very competitive and the profits weren’t as lucrative as a result. There was limited opportunities to scale the business. He wanted to remain in the construction industry and develop a team that could complete renovation works.
Ambit Compliance
Ambit is a small and growing compliance company specialising in the area of GDPR. There are a no of staff working from their office premises as well as a number of highly qualified personal working on projects remotely. Ambit were interested in completing a business process improvement audit to identify more efficient ways of collecting data, distributing information managing the team.
Arkway Refrigeration
Managing the schedules of their maintenance engineers was very inefficient and consuming large resources. The digital elements was maintained with the use of 4 different app solutions, none of which communicated with the others, thus the requirement for a lot of data entry duplication.
Caterex contacted us because they had identified inefficiencies in their operations and the processes used to manage them. A competitor within their business category had identified us as potential solution providers. We have completed works for the competitor.
Mulcahy Technical
Mulcahy Technical is a catering equipment and maintenance business. The company wanted to introduce a system to help manage the preventative maintenance division of their business. Up until this time all works were managed using spreadsheets and this was using a lot of resources. The use of several unrelated sheets lead to a lot of errors and these are costing the company a lot of money.
Ryans Garage
Ryans garage is second hand sales and service garage based in Blanchardstown. Niall Ryan contacted us in relation to inefficiencies in the way service appointments are managed.
Leading Edge
St Ultans childcare project
St Ultans Care Centre
Barry Dolan & Company
Woodhaven Consulting
Woodhaven Consulting     
Colin Clarke Construction
Reason Contacted
Small Builder with a background in electrical Contracting. Colin wished to expand into general contracting. and needed a consultant to help.
Problem Identified & Solution
There were no systems in place and the contractor was struggling to manage his growing business. He was operating the business via phone and email and the quality of work and financials were suffering. We conducted a discovery meeting. We drew up a list of operational activities and built processes around them. We conducted a 1 day workshop with all key staff to get their contributions and ensure companywide buy in. We rolled out the solutions on a phased basis over 12 months and helped secure office facilities and hire a administration manager to manage the new systems.
Solution Included
Operational assessment, process creation & optimisation
Team collaboration and internal communications system
Tender management & pricing system
Resource scheduling & project Management module
Timesheets and payroll
Job costing and troubleshooting system
Phase 2 add ins
We conduct a business development & strategy session quarterly to measure progress via the business plan and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy by analysing data generated by the new management system.
We have altered the process maps we created in phase one and are now generating training materials and content for new hires.
We are adding a new module to manage outputs required to meet building control regulations. Site personal are also uploading photographic backup evidence on a daily basis.
Business category

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